Contraindications and Cautions for Fibrinolysis in STEMI
Any prior intracranial hemorrhage
• Known structural cerebral vascular lesion (e.g.,
arteriovenous malformation)
Known malignant intracranial neoplasm (primary
or metastatic)
Ischemic stroke within 3 months EXCEPT acute
ischemic stroke within 3 hours
Age restriction for fibrinolysis has been removed compared with prior guidelines.
and Cautions for Fibrinolysis in STEMI
Absolute Contraindications
Suspected aortic dissection
Active bleeding or bleeding diathesis (excluding menses)
Significant closed head or facial trauma within 3 months
Έλεγχος αποτελεσματικότητας
It is reasonable to monitor the pattern of ST elevation,
cardiac rhythm and clinical symptoms over the 60 to 180
minutes after initiation of fibrinolytic therapy.
Noninvasive findings suggestive of reperfusion include:
- Relief of symptoms
- Maintenance and restoration of hemodynamic and/orelectrical instability
- Reduction of ≥ 50% of the initial ST'segment elevation pattern on follow'up ECG 60 to 90 minutes after initiation of therapy.
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